I am thrilled and grateful to be connected to my peers and network with batchmates across all departments. But the best part is getting to network with my Alumni and other industry experts for career advice and mentorship. I have been able to grow professionally, even before I graduated. None of this would have been possible without MyOSConnect.
The biggest challenge of any college management is student monitoring, classroom management strategy, and paper-based processes. And the required accreditations and student placements. MyOSConnect gives me an awesome Institutional community connection among students, alumni, and mentors. It gives an academic connection between the campus and campus lecturers. That too at a very affordable cost.
There’s no better way to have access to skilled Freshers, especially in such large numbers. MyOSConnect is a truly dynamic platform. Getting connect to hundreds of colleges, with just click. In fact, we weren’t just able to get connected to screened, professional and employable candidates, but also attract and hire faster in no time. Great stuff!
Over 2000+ colleges are already using MYOS connect.